Back in May 2015, the Music System from Processor Technology was revealed on the Altair 8800 Clone web site (
The original system was made up of a simple S-100 based interface board and a software package. The concept was shown on a classic Altair 8800 and also on the Altair 8800 Clone. In the Clone’s case two wires needed to be solder to main board between ground and the driven end of the current limiting resistor that drives the front panel INTE LED.
Once I saw the concept, I quickly made a bread board for testing followed by a printed circuit board following the circuit found in the Processor Technology documentation. The idea was to make a nice PC board and install it in my clone . Then I got to thinking. After the PC board comes some form of audio amp. Why not just integrate an amp on to the basic design to complete the overall package.
[Click here to see the PDF for the full project including the schematic, parts locations and bill of materials. ]