For floppy drive support, I went with the FDC+ board by Mike Douglas. This neat board allows many options in interfacing a variety of floppy drives types to your Altair 8800 system. The FDC+ is a 100% compatible drop-in replacement for the original Altair FDC solution. There is even support for the use of virtual serial drives where a modern Windows system is setup with a drive server application and through a high speed serial connection to a special connection to the FDC+. With this setup, you are able to map up to four floppy drive image files to act like physical drives. The following is a table of drive TYPE options supported by the FDC+:
Type 0 - Original Altiar 8" drive
Type 1 - Direct connect to Shugart 8" (or similar) drive looking like a Altair 8" drive
Type 2 - Original Altair Minidisk
Type 3 - Direct connect to 5 1/4" drive looking like a Altair Minidisk
Type 4 - 5 1/4" soft-sector floppy drive looking like a Altair 8" drive
Type 6 - Serial drive looking like an Alair Minidisk
Type 7 - Serial drive looking like an Altair 8" drive
There are also some nice extras also supported on the FDC+ board. A 27C64 EPROM socket is also supported. A pre-programmed EPROM with a disk boot loader (CDBL), the Altair multi-boot loader (MBL), the Altair turnkey monitor (TURMON) and an Intel hex loader comes installed in the EPROM socket.
You also receive three adapter boards that convert the 50-pin connector on the FDC+ board to support the DB-37F connector used on the Altiar 8" drives, an IDC-26 adapter for the Altair Minidisk drives and an IDC-34 adapter for standard 5 1/4" floppy drives. None of the adapter boards come with connectors, so you will need to order whatever is need your your system.
Finally there is support for up to 64K of static RAM on the FDC+ board. The RAM space is configurable to be placed in most any range needed to back fill any extra RAM needs or to be the only RAM used within the Altair 8800.
Mike ships the FDC+ board fully assembled and tested but remember you will need to buy any parts for the adapter boards. You simply drop the FDC+ board in to an open S-100 slot on the Altair 8800 type system, configure it for you needs and your are off and running. For more information visit Mike's site at .